Wednesday, 22 July 2009

mrs.zaman is leaving class J


this is killmanjaro and this is killmanjaro


we made a report for miss wood and mrs zaman. By Danielle

Monday, 20 July 2009

stay a way bigs

internactal week

last week was a hole week of theme days it was great

intnashnul week

On brazilan day we did samber.On senigal day african-druming.

swine flu

if you kiss a pig youl get sick and die

this is a picture of a pig with swine flu

swine flue

Pigs are the ones who give you swine flue and they are carriyng all over the world,

stay away from pigs


pigs spread swinflue it is a nasty dezes it can cill you youl have to were a gas mask.

swine flu

just rember to wash your hands
with soap


This is how you could catch swine flu

this is swan flu close up

internatinal week

we were leaning about Senegal Brazil British tanzania etch day we were leaning about a different contrey
we were learning about tanzania we made Kilimanjaro

Friday, 17 July 2009

on monday we leant about britain

by Alexander

we were learning about swun flue.

this is henry he made a hama beeds . we are making pankcakes.

swine flu

swine flu is very dedliy and dangreaus
by joseph

swine flu how to stop it spreading?

Avoid close contact.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.

Stay home when you are sick.
If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness.

Cover your mouth and nose.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.

Clean your hands.
Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.

Practice other good health habits.
Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.

swine flue

Swine flue is spreding all over the world and people is dieng with it did knowpigs carry swine flue

swine flu

if you catch it get home wash your hands with soap.
and dont spread it.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

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Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, the highest 'walkable' mountain in the world, a magnificent and spectacular undertaking.We are the leading provider of high quality treks on the Kilimanjaro, with over 15,000 past customers, a summit success rate of 87% and an exemplary safety record. Find out more in the details pages for each route.Trekkers who are less than absolutely confident about their fitness, or who are pressed for time should start with the Rongai route. Those absolutely confident in their fitness and willing to spend longer on the mountain to increase the chances of summit success should start by taking a look at the Shira route. People not too worried about costs but who simply want the ultimate trek should look at the North route.


Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, the highest 'walkable' mountain in the world, a magnificent and spectacular undertaking.We are the leading provider of high quality treks on the Kilimanjaro, with over 15,000 past customers, a summit success rate of 87% and an exemplary safety record. Find out more in the details pages for each route.Trekkers who are less than absolutely confident about their fitness, or who are pressed for time should start with the Rongai route. Those absolutely confident in their fitness and willing to spend longer on the mountain to increase the chances of summit success should start by taking a look at the Shira route. People not too worried about costs but who simply want the ultimate trek should look at the North route.
By Mary & Beth.

kilimanjoro by joe

.1 Kilimanjoro is 19440 feet in the air
.2 It is 205 miles away from the equter
.3 Moutin kilimanjoro youst to be a volcano
.4 kilimanjoro in African means shiny moutin
.5 kilimanjoro is mad out of three volcannose kibob, mawenzi and shira.


Kilimanjare lies 205 miles from the equator.
Kilimanjare is the bigest mountin in the world.
Kilimanjare is the a very popular name.
It used to be a volcanoe.
1034 people atempd to clime the mountin as a chalinge.
In afirca it is caled the shiny mountin.
In the forest monkeys are white.
The is 13 buflows in the forest.

ricing 19 340 above sea level,Kilimanjaro is the talest monting in Afrcer and the world's highest montin


rising 19 340 feet above sea level kilimanjaro is the highest mountian in africa

and the worlds highest free standing mountain

kilimanjaro lies 205 miles south of the equater and stands on taniza northen border

with kenya it is a volcano

intinacl week

People from all over the world is coming to our school people from sengol brazil tanzir



we were lerning about difront jack

intancial week

International Week

we found out to day

we found out drums armade out of gotse skine

African drumming

Les was teaching the school African drumming by Maisie
This is the first path you'll have to take. It is muddy, slimy and there are alot of trees at the jack brayent

5 facts

1 kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in africa
2Kilimanjaro lies 205 miles South of the equator and stands on Tanzania’s northern border with
3 Rising 19,340 feet above sea level, Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa and the world’s
highest free-standing mountain
4- Today, about 15,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro each year, as a spiritual journey or
as a personal challenge.
5- In 1889, German geographer Hans Meyer and Austrian mountain climber Ludwig Purtscheller were the first to climb Kilimanjaro


Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain.
It's made up of rocks, forests and snow.
Its made up of 3 volcanoes.
Kilimanjaro comes the word KILMA NJARO meaning “shining mountain” in Swahili.
Today 15000 people climb it each year.


On wednesday 15 July class S, T & J were learning about kilimanjaro. Kilimanjaro is a very big

By Matilda L


It takes 8 days to climb the kilimanjaro. That is just over 1 week. By danielle and isabella

Kilimanjaro s

Kilimanjaro s

Kilimanjaro Mountain

Kilimanjaro Moutain is 18000 ft tall.
By Mia&MayaXXX.


Kiliamonjaro is the biggest mountain in Africa. It is forest, rock and snow .

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

mr dry bone

Mr dry bone was a very por man indead and he whanted to mary mrs lewise but she never smild and anacy whanted to mary her to so the first one to make her smile could mary her and in the end anacy made her laugh so lewise mareyd anacy and hade a lovely time so they had a party and lived hapley ever after .

Monday, 13 July 2009


We had a visitor in school today and he was called George.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Visit to the church

Mr Maxwell explained to us about baptisms.

Monday, 6 July 2009

I have four , long, brown, leg's.
I also have a white , swishey , tail.
I were a sadle .
I live a stable.
I eat hay.
what am I?

my riddle

my riddle

I have tow golden browney legs

I also have black spots

I have pointey ears

I can't swim

I can run realy fast

what am I

by Alexander


I have four brown fure legs.
I have a black metal feet
I have forall ofer me
I have verry puty irs

my riddle.

I have four legs.
I have a brown tail.
I am brown.
I live in the trees.
I eat bananas.
I drinck milk.
I swing from branch to branch.
I say hoo hoo ha ha.
I drinc milk from my mummy
I swing alot.
I sleep in the trees.
I sleep whith my mamma.
I swing on my tail.
I lie in the trees.
I play in the trees.
I play whith my mamma in the trees.
I hang up side down on my tail in the trees.

my riddle.

I have 200 legs I am stripey I feel like a shell I have thin legs I am intresting what am I


I have four long,legs.
I kill other anmals.
I have black & orange fur.
I have sharp teeth.
what am i?


I have a big mouth.
I live in the sea.
I have small eyes.
I am blue.
I have small tail.
What am i?


I have a longe neck.
I have short legs.
I have smll eys.
I eat grass.
I have for legs.
what am i.
I am extreemly huge
I have no shiny teeth to chew
I eat buterful fish with my lage mouth
I have a giant back and water spras out of it
I have a big fin on my back
What am I?


I have two curved ears like a dome.

I have sploges on me too.

I have hooves on my feet.

You can see me at the zoo. I onley eat plants.

what am I ?........................

by Megan R


I have yellow & black eys.
I have vishus teeth.
I have a masiv jaw.
I have four small legs.
I have small claws.
I am a dark green couler.
I live in a lake


i have a big egg
i can run 20 mls hour
i have long legs
i have along beak
i have a big body

what am i

a riddle




I hav a body and it is shiny. I hav thin legs and poyty legs. I live nair a bech. I hav a rownd body. I am a herbvor. what am I.

Friday, 3 July 2009

we were making
wooden boxes.

On monday we maed a tresh chest. by oscar


today wev been making chests

bits and bobs

I made a box

Sports day

On friday it was sports day
by Mia&Beth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yest day we wer drest as pirets and made a piret ship and we playd on it by oscar and samuel

sports day

on friday is was sportss day in st johns we had to go arond the schoole tto play

sports day

sports day is when vs people .

sports day

this is sports day and this is a activaty called sand and hop
we were looking at how far the people could jump and yellow came 2nd.

Sports day

This moring we did sport out side and then we went inside and did a pently shootout by max

This mornig we did sports day with a big net.Witch had a big infalatble