Thursday, 17 December 2009

The school play

I am a inkeepers wife I fogot a word but it was still fun.
By isobel

The school play

The school play

I am a sheperd and Igo to a inn by abbie

When we did the school play.

When we did the play i played Mary in the pLAY

By Lydia.

Monday, 14 December 2009

we are lurning about farees and.I made a fares hat by awais k/saurav k

Are angle has got a smooth ,/cape /blowing in the wind.

AND it has got a beutaful back ground it was a castel.
anjul have wings.
anjul have halo.
by kadie-jay


THE anugi has long long hair. by saurav/awais
angels have dithrent culore wings and dithrent culore dreses
and sum angls have strate here.

by olivia and sam,

Angels have bertful flowers on there clowdes.
sometimes they have 7 babbys.
mostly they have long hair.

by RUBYand abbie
The tree is wooden and mooving.

The plant is fervery and spiky.

Her skin is white and pritty.

The blanket is smooth and small.

by amy bryant and lydia Netley.I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.



The anguls

The angul is necksto the boiling hot sun.
by adam\daniel\thomas
a angel has currly hair and she has angry eyes and she has a fat noes. by connorp

thing that gif us light

the sun gif us ligh to see in the day.

the traflic light gif us light to tel us wen to stop get reedy and go

stors and the moon gif us ligh at nit. by abdurrahmaan

im make a fariy with ribbons and a cone mad from paper by ihsaan

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

today we have been dooing smechrcul patterns.
by adam

Monday, 7 December 2009

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

I am a sheperd and so is conner and sam.

marry and joseph and jeeses

let it shine let it shine ooh leit shine shine away oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh by connor

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

whanted Guy Fawkes

He weas dark brown shinyand long cape on his back.

Hes got curly dark,brown,long bead.

Hes got darck freckels on his nose.

YOU shudent go near him because he migh blow you up.

by Isobel

Guy fawkes has a brown hat white and black fether. he has a fluffy and brown berd.

STAY AWAY FROM HIM because he might kill you whith 36 barlls of gun rubyj

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

I got the made part in the play the inkeepers wife and that makes me very happy.

BY IsobelG
I am 1 king in the crismas play.

by ruby.

Monday, 23 November 2009

sharpay wontst to be the best .by connor

I did a stenticis about hsm.

by rubyj

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

we are learning about guy fawkes. bynatanael.

making wood

we have making moods.

by abbie

weve been making 3D modles cardboud and brown papper.


we are makeing a 3d fire owt off card bord bookz for the wood and put brown paper and wool on


by ruby
We where decreyting bocss to mack a 3d amy .

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

guy fawkes was srong when he was seting the gunpowder .
guy fakes was a werd becuse he had a mustash.

Monday, 16 November 2009

robert acatesby is in gayl


by Isobel and Ruby

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

we rite a story of guy fakes by connor

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Guy Fawkes

many years ago in london a group of men were very unhappy with the king by kadie-jay

Guy Fawkes

many years ago in london a group of men were very unhappy with the king by olivia
guy fawkes was traing to blow up the houses of parliment but he cudnt. by ruby and kadie-jay
Guy fawkes is a badeey and watid to coolling the king. by awais
guy fawkes wos good at making gunpowder by SAURAV.
guy fawkes dide
Meny years ago a grup of men didnt agry with the king sow they meyd a plan to blow the houses of parmant wale they wear doing it a gord came to tyec the selr and fownd amy

Monday, 9 November 2009

we were shading colur and painting strips of paiper to and we make a bonfire. good luk byconnor.
we colur in oringe and red and yellew strips of paiper to and we make a bonfire. good luck by ihsaan.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

to day we were using differntn peins to dersinn a bon fire. by kaylah
To day we used speshol pencils like b2 or H.
We wear droring the bonfire with speshul art pensuls. by amy
we wear dror ring a fue.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

yestday we did a bomfire .It wos very erly in the amy.
Here are the flames thet bung and soufer.
Here are the flames that spike and spin . see how they tap as they twizzil and jump.

Our new topic-The Gunpowder Plot

Monday, 19 October 2009

by daniel


a knight on a horse in a battel by connor


maid feching cabig for a king by connor
are you sure the bus will ihsaan
how much does it cost for by dan

they mayt eat pork by saurav
at a banquet you eat ducks eggs
by Abbie.

Chiken. meat. pig. gose. cartts. bred. fish. wine. coket raw fruit.
peapul eet chincks
and pigs
they eet fish
and pees and beens
they eetduks egg
by kadie-jay
at a banquet you would eat ducks eggs/beef/meat/fish/salmon.

they will likie a lovey feast by connor

we have bin doing about
what youd eat in castels
by Isobel

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

were leaning abot beastan casel in the histry. by ruby.
they dident need to fill the moat whith water.
they youes bred for plates

enmees we the tacng the casull. from abdurrahmaan

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

we are lerning about castles.
we did some qeshjuns today and maths. by ruby
we were finding out infmashn about amy
cost 20.000
caernarfon castle cosd 20,000 pownds.
did you now that you have to5000 pouns to bould a castel

Monday, 12 October 2009

the kastul is braok kome and see it

by ihsaan

the castil is brocine down in the oldin dayse.
come and see ar oldern chciernk . by kaylah
hav aluck.
come and see how deep the well is.
what to do besten castel come and look at ar garnds
we are leaning about Isobel.
I im to use carbord because it is strong . by kaylah
i am gowing to yous cardbord beceses its soft by connor

I am gowing to yous carbord beceses it is amy

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

this is a moat near a castel by connor
I pit the canan by scarlet

this is a crossbow by saurav

the is a moat by adam

this is a trebchet!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

yester to day we did some tapsrey .
yester to day we did some tapsrey .
we have liketd lerning abouit castLes by olivia and kaci
we went to besten amy


we lening about tapstrys
ladys and lords live in castle. BY NATANAEL


Wednesday, 30 September 2009

I lernt lots abawt besten-castl
by olivia
I lict it at beeston castle and in the cowch and wen we woor back to school then we went home.
by awais
I had a good time at beesten castel
by noah
Beastern castle has got
losts of placeis to go

by lydia.
we have bin dooing some sentis todo with jack and the beansork. by ISOBEL
we went to beston casteles and we did atvisty by kaylah

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

we went to beeston castle. by natanael

we exploed the castle and we had fun.